One of my all-time favorite pictures of our kids while living in Sweden. I'm glad Madi and Bryn get along well these days. Maybe it's because Bryn's scared of the alternative.
Look at this picture from my high school one year after I graduated and look me in the eye and honestly tell me that today's youth have greater challenges than I did.
Reason #24 why the 80s was the most disturbing decade to be a teenager Reason #354 why I could never move to Davis County
That said, wearing shorts to a dance does seem legit.
I thought this was a cool map. It shows every McDonalds in America. The farthest you can get from a McDonalds is a point in South Dakota - 145 miles. Seems like there's not much on the west side of the map, other than the coast. I live in flyover space...
Musings on seemingly random topics - politics, economics, religion, sports, boardgames - best left alone if you want to keep your friends. However, if it itches I can't help but scratch it.
Think about this
The curious task of economics is to illustrate to men how little they know about what they imagine they can design.