Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Washington extortion

Good article from Cato today on Apple not playing the DC game and how it is going to come back to bite. Best ROI on the planet - lobbying. Sad but true.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How not to start a sacrament meeting talk

Funny because it's true.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Please watch Community

Before it gets cancelled. So tired of the smart shows getting the boot.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Obama, meet Orwell

I just checked out this microsite Pres Obama published to show why one should prefer him over Romney. Holy schnikies. A vision of a warm, snuggly federal government taking care of me and Julie and her son and all the rest of us? This logic walks one step down the road to the sign that says, "Wouldn't it be nice if some rich Uncle Sam would just take care of all the cost, uncertainty and pain in life?" Unfortunately, it never makes it to the bend in the road that says, "Uncle Sam actually doesn't have a job. Everything he gives you, he has to either take from you or your children or your grandchildren." I'm actually not a Romney fan, but there are few candidates you could put up at this point that would not make me feel better about his or her vision for America.