Monday, September 28, 2015

Capital punishment

Paul Graham makes a good case against it.

Monday, July 27, 2015

A return to blogging?

I have a lot of itches in need of scratching lately. I assume no one will really read this, but maybe jotting down thoughts here will make those pesky itches go away. Having started a business or two, I'm much more observant now of business practices. I may point out one or two. Who knows, maybe I can help someone not make my own stupid mistakes. Also, with the elections revving up, I feel the need to work out some political agitation. Apologies in advance to my liberal friends and readers (if they exist). The Democratic candidates are likely to receive a disproportionate amount of my scorn. It isn't that I don't think the Republicans are at least as equally worthy of scorn. I just think they are more easily poked at and already have been much more eloquently than I can by the likes of Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Jon Oliver. Obviously, I don't pretend to counterbalance such satire - I'm neither as insightful nor 1/1000th as funny - but just saying. Conservative policies are pretty easily mocked. Progressive policies tend to get less attention unless you spend a lot of time on acerbic radio stations. And that's usually more ranting than anything. If you're going to make a point, either be funny or insightful. (Having said that, expect neither here). Pointing out how scary progressive politics can be doesn't garner many knowing nods from the omniscient celebs or liberal intelligentsia. However, I find mocking Creationism too easy when a philosophy such as Keynesianism may be more difficult to dissect, not as funny, but (at least in my mind) far more concerning to our peace and prosperity. And with that lengthy aside you are introduced (or re-introduced) into just how poorly I write, but even more so how poorly I edit. Also, lest this start to feel like a political blog, realize that it is primarily my ramblings, which means there will be intermittent uninformed opinions on other unrelated topics that interest me such as the rise of the Cubs (and its accompanying misplaced hope), development of the Utah Jazz (more hope in need of squashing), parenting, boardgames, nutrition, exercise or whatever might be stuck in my craw if I get a few minutes between meetings. Welcome back?