Monday, May 24, 2010

More or Less Bankruptcy

Under Obamacare, there are two key items to have in mind:
1) The individual mandate - all must have insurance.
2) Pre-existing conditions - insurance companies can't deny coverage based on it.

Because of #2, I have no incentive to comply with #1. I can wait until I'm sick and then get insurance. I'll be fined though, right? Well, unless the fine is greater than the insurance, I'll just pay the fine and call it insurance. Or not pay. What happens if I don't pay for the insurance or the fine? Will I be forced into bankruptcy with the US Government as my creditor? Or will I be thrown in jail?

One very good reason to reform healthcare is the number of bankruptcies attributed to healthcare catastrophes. Will an individual mandate actually create more bankruptcies?

The practicalities of health care make fixing it brutally difficult.

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