Friday, July 04, 2008

Proud Dad

As a dad I needed something to feel proud about this week and Porter gave it to me. He's been a complete wimp in the pool, which is aggravating as all get out particularly since I was exactly the same way. But suddenly is the bomb and swimming without issue. We just had a relay race in the pool with him on my team and he swam three laps end-to-end by himself. I'm so thrilled for him that he didn't wait until he was 35 to get beyond his fear of water. Four down, two to go on the water safety front.


Gayle said...

way to go Porter ( and John!) We are glad you are enjoying your great swimming pool. Alex is going to a swim lesson in just a few minutes. He going to put his face in the water and swim! See you soon

amanda jane said...

right on! can't wait to see it in person.

Unknown said...

I'm loving the confidence in these photos. that was all he was lacking-Coach Landon has done wonders there!