Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Don't fake bake - bad news for Bryce Brown

I just heard the sad news that a friend of mine from college, who licked cancer seven years ago has recently found out that it is back with a vengeance. His wife is blogging their journey at www.brycedbrown.com/journal/ for those that might have known him through BOB or want to learn about the dangers of sun exposure. Bryce has overcome some tough challenges in life, but this looks to be the most difficult so far. Pray for Bryce. And don't fake bake so you don't end up with the same deal.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting the word out! Bryce needs all the prayers, karma, positive thoughts, etc., he can get right now. He would love to hear from you and the BOB people. I have heard some funny stories, and I have seen firsthand the sweet house the BOB people "lived" in. Keep it up! Your blog is great! Hakuna Matata (or whatever they say there). :)

amanda jane said...

Thanks for letting me know, I had no idea he had relapsed. I also didn't know he worked at Mrs. Fields, too! small world?

Gayle said...

Thanks John, this cancer thing is so the demond of this generation! I am sure the Jessica had told you that her birthday mate, Levi Snarr is also fighting Skin cancer. And not from sun exposure! It is a deadly menace. My love and prayers to Bryce and his family! Love MOm Gayle

John said...

AJ - Bryce doesn't work for Mrs. Fields, but is a supplier to Mrs. Fields. He feels like part of the team though because they work so closely with the franchise folks.