Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hello from Johannesburg

Katie has asked me to carry the blog torch for the next couple of weeks until she can arrive and resume her post as senior correspondent. So far there isn't much to write about.

First off, I haven't taken a single picture. I have a pretty boring life so far. The only pictures I could take are of my primary activitites:
  • Working out in the hotel fitness center. You know the type. Three overweight business types determinedly not looking at each other while they try to get in a workout on the two treadmills, fully knowing that all three want the treadmill and the other one has to act like he really likes the exercise bike or the 1983 Nautilus.
  • Working in the conference room with my team. Most of the time it is the five of us - me, Anshuman and Rishi from the Delhi office and Sajeet and Andre from Burlington South Africa, the firm we're partnering with on this case - head's down on our computers with the occasional question like "what's the difference between SIP and PRI?" from one of the newer consultants.
  • Eating in a restaurant near the hotel. There are very few since most close before we get to them (e.g., M&A closes at six).
  • Sitting in my room reading Harry Potter or IMing with Katie.
I'm going to go out today and buy the cable to connect my camera to my computer since I have no way to download pictures even if I shot them and then figure out how to take an interesting shot or two without getting my camera stolen. Bear in mind that when we drive to the office we are told to keep our briefcases in the trunk, not on our laps, so no one tries to break into the car and steal them. This does not sound like a good place to walk around by myself with $1500 worth of camera equipment.

Let us all say a silent prayer that the next two weeks will pass speedily so that the senior correspondent can resume her duties and I can move back over to the editorial desk.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

PRI stands for Public Radio International right? :)