Sunday, June 15, 2008

Born of Goodly Parents

Father's Day is one of my favorite holidays. During 364 days/year, I pay 6x the food, diapers, soccer fees, movie admissions, etc. On this one day, I receive my annual dividend for all that investment. I sleep in, have breakfast in bed and a wonderful amateur backrub with six pairs of hands. Wonderful.

My own dad passed away nine years ago, so now I have to content myself with calling my grandpa and my father-in-law to wish them happy father's day. However, I still reflect each year on my dad, and how he contributed to the good in me (and some of the bad probably). I have some traits that I attribute entirely to genetics, from my mom and dad - integrity, honesty, hard work, frugality. I'm not a world record holder along any of these dimensions, but I find them part of my nature and believe that's because of those chromosomes they gave me. It's too bad the sarcasm gene was on the same chromosome.

I also reflect a bit on days like today on what sorts of traits I've passed along, and am reinforcing with what I teach and how I live. Six times a bad habit has a really geometric sound to it. On the other hand, six times a commitment to making the world place quickly adds up. I hope this is the math that is part of what I've given as a legacy.

Thanks Katie for sponsoring such a pleasant day.


Unknown said...

Only a pleasure my love.

Dean said...

Yesterday someone in church canceled a meeting, because of the "holiday". I had to ask around to figure out what in the world they were talking about. I totally forgot! Anyway, happy belated father's day from me. You're a great one!