Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Go to sleep Lucy

I was digging through our pictures trying to find something and came across this gem I took of Lucy about a year ago. I think I was in the kitchen cooking and Lucy was playing on the carpet in the hall. When I noticed how quiet she had become I walked over to check on her and found her asleep, doubled in half from where she'd been sitting. If I did this I would disconnect ligament from bone in several places.

This is how I feel some days right now because Lucy has turned into a very sporadic sleeper. In fact, several of the kids are difficult this way right now. It seems like almost every night our sleep is interrupted by someone screaming, scared or peeing (sometimes even in the toilet). It messes up what little exercise routine we have and makes Katie and I look and feel like this picture most nights by the time we go to bed.

As an aside, I'm sure having teenagers/puberty will present it's own challenge, but so far I'll gladly take 6x college, weddings, terrible twos, dance recitals, birthday parties, etc., but 6x potty training is for the birds. I can't express enough gratitude for Katie, that she's the one that has to deal with this 90% of the time. I think the only one more grateful than me is Molly.

1 comment:

Jenny and Josh said...

I absolutly love this picture! It bumped Will out of the top spot (not easy to do) and is now the background on my computer screen. Which is a big deal considering how many students see my computer screen.