Monday, November 26, 2007

Mary Creesmus

What a difference a year makes. Last year I was frantically selling cookies - December was where we made all of our money. As we came out of the holiday season last year, we had a very disgruntled customer who got word from a recipient of a gift basket from her and was able to return the "custom gift card" to us that he had received. Every single word in the card was misspelled. I think you could shake up a game of Boggle and get a more coherent message. Call centers rock!

Now here I am in the southern hemisphere, living behind electric wire and enjoying summertime. We'll spend this weekend on the beach in Durban. We sent out our Christmas cards early this year in hopes that any cards we might receive, we might actually receive. We were concerned about our buyers in SLC getting a mailbox full of cards that we'd never see. As a result, I've started to notice a trickle of visitors hitting my blog since we published Katie's blog address on the card. Hers is the official version of the story - mine's a footnote. Despite the fact that my blog is on the Internet (by definition) I like to believe that Katie and a few others are the only ones that read it. Therefore, I felt a sense of panic when I realized that others may suddenly be reading my thoughts. You're reading my mind! Yikes.

Well, at this point I guess all I can say is welcome and I hope you have a vary mary chreesmush.

1 comment:

amanda jane said...

and yo shoudl know that we like your version of the stories, too. maybe better sometimes. you'll notice KT never mentioned the sleeping Lucy incident on her blog...