Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Office

You've probably already received this via email from me.

One of the rare TV shows I enjoy is The Office. It is one of maybe two or three shows Katie and I can both enjoy, at least as long as Jim is yearning after Pam. I mostly enjoy it because I enjoy watching Jim (reincarnation of Mark Taber) terrorize Dwight. So I got this email from some guys I used to work with that made me grin. Hopefully it will make you grin too.

Stewart, the phone guy, went on vacation for three weeks. Three weeks is a long time for a vacation in the US, especially when you're in charge of the phones. He sits in the IT department. Apparently they thought his area needed some sprucing up, so they gave his cubicle a little makeover. This is a picture.

It is now complete with working porch and interior lights, a ceiling fan and a planter box with real petunias. I'm so grateful for workers with a sense of humor. I only fear that by the transitive property that means I'm grateful for IT, which is rarely the case.


Gayle said...

Hey, that is really cool. Did you know that when I visited you all in Sweden my sweetheart boss converted a bathroom into an office for me?! Yeah, carpet tiles, nice wallpaper and a cool light fixture, my own office chair and countertop desk...really nice. I do not get to go into or sit in that little room very often, but boy there sure is a lot of stuff piled up in there for me to dig through one of these days!

John said...

Here's a video they put together:
