Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Dear NPR Pledge Drive Manager,

Please find enclosed my donation to your pledge this year and a complimentary copy of Nudge, by Dick Thaler. I thought you would like to read it and realize that you couldn't come up with a worse strategy for securing pledges than to constantly reinforce that most listeners don't pledge. As you'll read in the book, it is far more productive for people to believe they are one of the few that doesn't contribute, than one of the many. Just thought you'd like to know - once people's memories fade maybe you can start collecting your donations more quickly so we can be done with this nonsense within the first day or two in the future.

Best regards,

Dear Reader,

If you listen to NPR, donate. If you listen to NPR and donate, please do so on the first day of the pledge. These pledge drives should be like a day long. Everyone that's going to pledge eventually does - get it over with.

Best regards,

P.S. We gave our donation today, like a week into this. Hi kettle, I'm pot.

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