Tuesday, October 30, 2007

True Chaos

Katie's blog has chaos in the title, but I've been thinking lately that the word is far more appropriate in describing mine.

Most blogs are written routinely, have a theme, a tone, a consistent voice. Mine has none of the above. My writing is at best conversational, bordering on glib. I post frequently at times, extremely infrequently at others. I write on things serious, possibly funny, possibly irresponsible.

Most other blogs I read give me what I'm expecting. When I read Dean's post I know not to take a drink of milk. When I read Katie's post I prepare to be enlightened. Etc. etc.

Every amusement park and carnival seems to have a few rides in common and one of these was known as the Wild Mouse at the amusement park near my childhood home (ah, Lagoon). It's the ride that looks like a miniature rollercoaster, but is really just an excuse to grab each rider by the collar and jerk him back and forth, up and down until he cries uncle. Nice touch of irony - this is the ride Porter wanted to most go on when were at California adventure with Tyler. Porter cried a lot of uncle during the ride, but afterward wanted to go again.

You, my reader, must feel a lot like this at times. I'd apologize, but it's the way the ride's designed. I hope after calling uncle, you might want to go again.

1 comment:

Gayle said...

John, So glad you are back "posting". I really missed your special take on the big and small pictures. I especially love your photos of the Halloween costumes. And I see Trust's beautiful children's faces on the post I am about to read next. I love you and admire you and hear your voice in my head as I read your words. You, as well as Katie, enlighten. Mom